Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Progress, not perfection

As was to be expected, the situation with marriage equality remains muddled as the week unfolds. Or perhaps, unravels.

The Supreme Court chose not to take up any of the cases that had been presented to it, and this was widely understood to be a victory for equality. On the other hand, plenty of reactionary governors and attorneys general are still dragging their heels, playing to the fringe and making veiled threats about Civil War. Members of the fringe make outright threats about Civil War, but that is to be expected. Justice Kennedy stayed two states, then lifted one stay. County judges are issuing marriage licenses against the direct orders of their governors and attorneys general. Some states are refusing to follow through on court-ordered equality in a number of areas.

Out of chaos may appear order, but don't expect it too soon. The American legal system has many good points, but neatness, timeliness and humaneness are not always at the top of that list.

Justice wears a blindfold supposedly to remain impartial in weighing evidence. Sometimes I  think it is to hide her tears.

1 comment:

  1. My mind aches trying to understand all the ins/outs and points of all these victories and setbacks. I thank you for some clarifications.
