Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Same box

When the game is over, the king and the pawn go back into the same box.
~ Italian proverb 

Just thinking about the American social and political scene ...

It seems to me that one of the tragedies in this country over the past decade or so has been an unwillingness on the part of many people -- typically those in power, but also those who are not -- to put the other side in a different box.

I do this when I start sentences with words like, "Republicans all..." "The Religious Right..." "Gays need to..."

I think I would be happier if I remembered that we are all in one box ultimately, even though we may be different colors, different shapes, different whatever.

I keep wanting THEM to recognize that about me. I suppose I might try doing the same for them.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, no matter what we all have to work better on unity and not seeing 'the other' as well, the other.
