Thursday, January 15, 2015

Today's card: Five of Swords

"The Five of Swords sees you engaging in conflict or finding yourself disagreeing with others, leading to tension and hostility. Despite thinking you have won, you may still end up the loser because you have hurt or annoyed others and have subsequently isolated yourself. You will need to make a decision about whether your point of view is so important to you that it is acceptable to put your relationship with others in jeopardy, or whether you can compromise and try to see eye-to-eye with others. 

"Alternatively, the Five of Swords can be seen from quite a different angle – that of a hollow victory. It is possible that the two ‘defeated’ men in this card were really not defeated at all; they simply laid down their arms and walked away. The men either knew that they would lose, or they knew that trying to win would be a waste of energy and a pointless exercise. By choosing not to fight, they are really the winners here, because he who knows when to fight, and when not to fight, will be victorious. 

"The advice of the Five of Swords is to pick your battles. You may be tempted to fight every conflict to ensure you get your way, to prove that you are right, or to defend yourself when you are feeling challenged or threatened by another person. However, most experts agree, choosing your battles wisely is a much better way of life than battling out every disagreement. Not only will picking your battles lead to a more peaceful existence, it is also more likely to strengthen your interpersonal relationships."

Difficult advice for a retired lawyer! But it strikes me as pertinent.

I am not much of a tarot believer, but our good friend Leonardo reads them and ... well, I have to admit sometimes they seem to be spot on. For example, before Damien and I had even met, Leonardo read my cards and a lot of what he saw there suddenly made sense when Damien appeared in our lives.

I know it is all in my head, but that's okay. I am grateful for anything that helps me deal with what's in my head.

1 comment:

  1. When my tarot-chum and I get the 5 swords we have the same differ viz. she sees it as a hollow victory and I see it as temporary 'good' vanquish. Being a '5' card, it is mostly negative yes.
